I've done a ton of work to get myself to where I am today. Yet all of this drive and passion I have for school, running and helping others didn't come from nowhere. I wouldn't be where I am today without my two amazing parents.
They've believed in me my whole 18 years and have supported many of my crazy ideas. One of these ideas was to go to a school that I fell in love, yet was extremely expansive, honestly for anyone. But the past year at this school has been one of the best ones of my life. I've learned so much from classes as well as my new friends.
Yet being away from home one of the most important lessons I had learned was how to deal with being homesick. No my school isn't across the country from my home, instead it is just a two hour drive. Regardless I was, and still am, the girl who would often choose a family movie night than a high school or college party. So while at school I truly missed that, along with my mothers cooking.
Ever since I was born, I have been my parents first priority and It's a truly special cycle we have to live through in our lifetimes. Hopefully in 10 years I can do the same with my children. Although, as hard as I try I truly won't know what I put my parents through until I have kids of my own. Yet I owe everything to them.
All of my mothers nagging about chores, and my fathers yelling when I run is all out of love. They just want to see their little baby bird exceed and soar higher than all the others birds. I used to be overwhelmed by all of their high expectations for me, but then I realized why shouldn't I expect the best out of myself? My parents who raised me to be a happy and driven person expect this so I should as well.
I like to think that I am the best thing that happened to my parents, but often I realize they are the best thing that happened to me. Mainly because they created me, but also because they give me so much. I just can't wait for when I am able to do the same for them. I am blessed that my parents give me unconditional love no matter how crazy I drive them.