We need to overturn Roe v. Wade.
This may seem like a radical notion, but it actually makes a lot of sense. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, "In 2012, 699,202 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. The abortion rate for 2012 was 13.2 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, and the abortion ratio was 210 abortions per 1,000 live births." These numbers are much too high with the current state our country is in. People don't care about the lives they are taking away when they get an abortion. No, I don't mean the fetus's life. I don't care about the fetus's life. I am talking about the lives of all the people they could have saved by keeping their baby. Feeding America released shocking statistics from last year which stated, "In 2015: 42.2 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 29.1 million adults and 13.1 million children,13 percent of households (15.8 million households) were food insecure and 5 percent of households (6.3 million households) experienced very low food security." Why am I telling you this? I am presenting all of these numbers to show you the solution we have all been missing.
We need to start eating babies.
You aren't reading this wrong. I am serious. Planned Parenthood is evil not because of the "roughly 12 percent of people who received a service from Planned Parenthood affiliates received an abortion during the reporting year," according to heritage.org, but because they are taking away a vital food source to hungry Americans. The Republican Party is right. We have a huge issue in this country with government handouts and abortion. With this plan, we solve both. Food stamps will not be needed because we will have this new food source. It seems so simple; why hasn't anyone thought of this before?
Now, we have had our fun, but this is a serious topic. Women's reproductive rights are at risk this election with Donald Trump's statement on Roe v. Wade. According to Democracy Now, "Trump claimed Roe v. Wade would be "automatically" overturned if he is elected, pledging to appoint anti-choice judges and saying that Roe v. Wade would eventually be decided by states. " As a country, we can not afford to reverse decades of advocacy for women's rights.
Hunger is an issue in this country that also needs to be addressed. How is it that the USA is in the top ten richest countries in the world, yet we still have issues of food security? This needs to be addressed and an article on the Orange County Restaurant Meals Program Coalition reports on a plan presented in Orange County, CA.
This election is something that needs to be taken seriously. Yes, we can make fun of things that are said or how orange someone's skin is, but at the end of the day, this is the future of our country. Use your vote as your voice, and protect the rights of women. For more information on how dangerous Donald Trump is, visit Toxic Trump: A Project of Planned Parenthood Votes.