Overthinking is the absolute worst thing you can do. It consists of slowly torturing yourself while making up problems in your head that never even existed in the first place.
Overthinking comes in a bunch of different forms and it affects everyone in a different way, and it completely consumes you. It's that little voice inside your head that constantly doesn't shut up and keeps saying "but..." It can never be simple, it has to give you an extensive thought process to make one tiny decision. Overthinking is ruining societies views on how people should portray themselves. Giving us this falsification by wondering if he or she may like you more if you say "hey whats up" or "hi" when in reality it shouldn't even matter that much. But yet some people wonder to themselves for hours on end how this will unravel, and start making up these crazy unlikely scenarios.
Overthinking can end up ruining friendships, and relationships. It's the little things that we shouldn't even look into that we end up constantly obsessing over. The thought of whether or not a person meant something deeper than what they actually said on the surface crosses the mind of everyone eventually. But in reality they said whatever they had said without any extra meaning. We sit up late at night laying in our beds staring at the ceiling completely blowing that one sentence or word out of proportion. You tend to wake up the next day with the mindset that the person you had spoken to now hates you, and is going to never speak to you again, but that is not what is on the other person mind. It's the act of overthinking that is really ruining things for you. Nothing had ever gone wrong until you had overthought the situation.
Overthinking and social media go hand in hand. Don't believe me? Just think about it for a second. How many times did you like someone's photo on accident, and after you did so you sat there for a while and thought about the worst possible outcomes for just liking a picture. Things like this should not even matter. Social media dictates how you think people view you, so before you post anything you sit there and wonder if you should post a picture or a status, or whatever it may be to impress other people, but in reality nobody even notices it, or they forget about it within 5 minutes. People edit their photos so much to give this false portrayal of themselves just for verification that they look good or feel good from the amount of likes from other people that are irrelevant to their lives. Why? Because overthinking makes you believe this stuff really matters.
Overthinking can even ruin movies, and TV shows for you; the things you are supposed to find the most enjoyment from. For example when you watch a movie and the main character leaves the stove on, and then they leave the house without acknowledging it. The whole rest of the movie you are waiting to see if that stove is going to burn down the house, and you are not actually focusing on the bigger picture. You are obsessing over this minor detail when the producers probably didn't even notice it.
Overthinking completely devours your mind, and your mental state deteriorates significantly while, and after you were overthinking about something. Your mood can go from happy to angry in one second, and angry to having a complete mental breakdown. The worst part is that you let these thoughts fester in your mind, and once everything is fine you don't even realize that you just put yourself through hell for hours. All this overthinking because you are trapped in your thoughts, and you don't know how to get away from them. But you can't let it completely control you; you need to clear your mind and think to yourself "Will this matter in a year, in a month, in a week, or even tomorrow, if not then why are you letting consume you. Move on.