As the days of summer whizz by I see more and more pictures on my timeline of fellow college students traveling the world while I struggle to maintain my B+ in statistics. How is it possible that I can hardly scrape up enough money for my weekly Starbucks but my "frenemy" from high school has been in London for a month? I want to bask in the Tuscan sun, walk the streets of Spain, and dive into the clear waters of Bora Bora!
I feel like I'm missing out on having the time of my life because I don't have $5,000 laying around for an overseas trip. Among all of these abroad snapshots popping up all over my Instagram page, I have found myself disappointed in my own life. Who am I if I'm not on a boat in Ibiza? Drinking wine in Italy? Wearing a beret in the Louvre? Am I missing out on the time of my life because I spend my summers working instead of playing? But, isn't there something wonderful in the mundane? Something unspoken that you can easily forget about?
Maybe it isn't so bad working hard at your job and advancing your education. When life gets boring it is easy to forget that everyone has their moment in the sun. Sometimes your life feels terribly ordinary and you have the urge to trade it in for someone else's; and sometimes, your life is full of excitement, spontaneity, and maybe even Roman sunsets. Until those thrilling times come your way, appreciate the routine of your life. After all, I don't think binge watching Netflix applies to the "when in Rome..." saying.