4. Maybelline: Fit Me foundation | The Odyssey Online
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Why Buy Overpriced Makeup When You Get Affordable Makeup Without Settling?

Buy this not that: makeup edition!

Why Buy Overpriced Makeup When You Get Affordable Makeup Without Settling?

We all know makeup can get really expensive. You can walk into Sephora, only needing one thing and walk about spending $100 just on three things. Some things are definitely worth splurging on, but some products you can buy at Target and Walgreen and they work just as good! Here are just a few of my favorite makeup dupes and where you can purchase them.

1. Maybelline: Baby Skin pore eraser

This product works exactly like the Benefit POREfessional face primer. They both are skin primers that erase the look of your pores and smooth your skin. The only difference between the two products is the Benefit costs $32 and the Maybelline costs around four dollars at Walmart, Target, and Walgreens.

2. EcoTools blender

Beauty blenders can get really expensive, especially if you buy the original Beautyblender sponge which usually runs for about $20, but you can buy this EcoTools blender that is only five dollars. I personally think this cheaper blender works better and is much softer than the original Beautyblender. I also really like this blender because it has a sharp edge that you can use to cut your jawline and get your foundation and concealer to blend really well under your eyes. You can get this EcoTools blender at Target!

3. NYX: Setting spray

Setting sprays are good investments because if you are going to be wearing makeup all day, you want it to stay put and not slowly come off throughout the day. This spray works just as good as the Urban Decay All Nighter setting spray, it is just a lot cheaper. The Urban Decay spray costs $32 for the big bottle and $15 for the small travel size. You can get the NYX setting spray at Target for just seven dollars! The NYX spray also has the option of a matte finish or dewy finish, for whichever you prefer!

4. Maybelline: Fit Me foundation

I've tried many different foundations and powders and never really found ones that were the right color and not too heavy, and this one is perfect! It is light coverage and has many different shades to choose from. The other foundation I like but is more expensive is the Clinique Beyond Perfecting foundation. I like the formula, but I feel like the Maybelline colors match my skin better. The Clinique foundation costs $29 and the Maybelline costs six dollars and you can purchase it at Target and Walmart.

5. Revlon lip balm

I love lipstick and having different colors to choose from, but sometimes its hard to find the perfect color and formula you like. I really like the Clinique Chubby Sticks but they run for about $20. You can get the Revlon lip balm for less than half the price at Target and they work just as well! They also have a lot of colors to choose from and a lot of the colors are almost the exact same as the Clinique colors.

6. Coty Airspun loose face powder

This is one of my favorites! This is just a cheaper version of the Laura Mercia loose setting powder. It works the exact same and smells amazing! You can buy this at Walmart for only seven dollars compared to the $38 Larua Mercia one!

7. Profusion eyeshadow palette

It's pretty hard to come by eyeshadows that are cheap and have good pigment, but this is it! I love this pallet, and if I did my eyeshadow more often I would definitely buy them all! I believe that this pallet is pallet is actually better than any MAC eyeshadows I've owned and even think it is better than the Morphe and Naked pallets. You can buy the profusion eyeshadow palette from Target for $10 but I actually got mine on sale for five dollars. The colors are so pretty and vibrant and the different palettes come with 24 different colors.

8. Elf: makeup brushes

There are so many good makeup brushes out there, but they can get really pricey. I personally really like Elf brushes which you can get from Target. Whether you buy the brushes in a bundle or individually, you can save you so much money. They are just as soft and work just as well as any other name brand brushes but they are just a lot cheaper.

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