Overpopulation is becoming an increasingly alarming issue in many parts of the world. In several countries, we can see a decline in natural resources such as oil, water and coal. In addition to that, it is predicted that the carrying capacity of Earth is said to be 10 billion people. Right now, the population is at 7.5 billion. If we don't act on it soon, this will become an uncontrollable and irreversible issue.
So, what can we do to stop this?
1. Birth Rates
In many countries, such as Nigeria and parts of India, women are often under the delusion that having more kids means an extra set of hands to help with financial support. Little did they know, their decision is affecting them and the rest of the world as part of a much bigger and more serious problem. To help solve this, governments should fund education for everyone, more importantly women, who cannot afford it.
2. Birth control accessibilityÂ
In many parts of the world, there is limited access and knowledge of the existence of birth control. Because of this, many families are at loss at what to do to stop their ever-growing families. Introducing birth control measures and educating families on them would make a change in the number of children per family.
3. Laws regarding the population
Currently, according to the U.S Census Bureau, China, India, U.S, Brazil and Indonesia hold the top 5 spots as the world's most population countries. China and India themselves both hold a population of over 1 billion people each. A good idea would be to introduce laws that limit a family to having only a certain number of children, which is to be determined by the population of that specific country. A similar law was introduced a few years ago in China but had to be discontinued due to the declining workforce and youth. However, reintroducing this type of law again will help control the population again.
4. 'Carrot and Stick' policy
Another useful option to pursue is the 'Carrot and Stick' policy. In developed and developing countries, offering incentives to a family with less children and applying fining families with more children will motivate the population to work towards birthing fewer amount of children. The incentives can include providing high social security and tax benefits.
5. Adoption
For couples who are open to the idea of adopting kids, this would be a great way to solve overpopulation and simultaneously providing a caring, loving home for orphans. Instead of just giving birth to more and more kids, subsequently increasing the world population, adopting the orphans would give them a suitable home and give the parents a child to love and care for. It's a win-win situation.
Of course there might be many more solutions to solving the problem of overpopulation but the the first few steps must be followed in in order to take further action if necessary.