When you think about it, college students are basically really tall five year old kids (okay so maybe some of us aren't really that much taller than five year olds). We need a designated nap time, we get hangry really quickly and sometimes we just need to cry. Like many five year olds, we also say what's on our mind without really thinking about it before we say it, and sometimes the things we say are actually kinda funny. Here are 13 of the best quotes I've heard at Auburn.
1. "I think I bought something on Amazon in my sleep last night."
2. "I'm gonna marry him!!"
Talking about Daniel Carlson when he made that touchdown against Arkansas State.
3. "This is the third time I've lost my keys this semester!"
4. "I'm trying to make this my lucky exam shirt."
5. "Hit me! Pay my tuition!"
AKA what every student thinks when they are crossing the street (at a crosswalk of course).