I grew up in a Catholic family. We went to church pretty much every Sunday. I was baptized, had my first communion, and became confirmed. One of the requirements for confirmation is going to confession. At the time I had the mentality that I hadn't done anything too bad so I don't have too much to confess, it's whatever. So I did it.
Well 6 years later, I decided to finally go to confession again. I made this decision because I've been growing into my faith more and attending mass more. I realized that I was not honoring God by holding all of this sin inside me while receiving communion. So I decided to finally go. It was the best decision I could have made.
Over the course of 6 years, I have done a lot of things that I am not proud of or things that have burdened me. I have hurt other people, I have hurt myself, but most of all I have hurt God. I needed to reconcile.
I thought long and hard about the things that I have done and came up with a long list. I went in there not really remembering how it worked, but the priest was so kind and helpful. After confessing my sins, the priest said those amazing words, "You are forgiven".
The biggest weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I knew that God loved me and forgiven me before going, but hearing those words made me feel so much closer to Him. I no longer felt shame or guilt for the things that I did. However, God did not make me feel these awful things, but He did take them away. Since he took away my shame and guilt, I have been more receptive of the things that I am doing and conscience of the decisions I make because I don't want to hurt others or myself anymore.
God has opened up my heart and my eyes to things I never thought imaginable. He has welcomed my brokenness and loved me.
I pray for those of you who are struggling, who feel hurt and broken, that you look to Jesus. He will change your life. Your life doesn't necessarily become easier or perfect, but He gives you the strength and courage to tackle the challenges that life gives you.