We are a society hungry for information, consuming it so quickly and instantly needing more to satisfy our cravings. Alas, this is the world in which we live - Netflix bingeing has become the new normal. I can't comprehend why someone would rather stare at a screen all day rather than reading, writing, going on a walk, or simply talking to another human being.
Our desire for information; whether found in television, movies, music, Vines, or Twitter; has become a societal obsession. We are constantly yearning for the next "Avengers" movie to come out or for Season 30 of "Grey's Anatomy" to come on Netflix that we can barely stand waiting a mere week for a new episode to air, not to mention two years between seasons of "Game of Thrones."
If we continue to consume information and entertainment at the rate we are currently, our supply will run dry.
Those producing the information and entertainment are struggling to keep up with our constant need for new media. Creativity takes time, and society is completely unwilling to take wait for the time it takes for new shows, movies, videos, and music to be produced. The more we, as a society, pressure producers and artists to create new information and entertainment, the less quality material we will eventually get because results from rushed creativity are usually described at best as sub-par.
I would imagine most people can comprehend why forced creativity yields poor results, but I believe very few are patient or at least understanding enough to wait for those creating our beloved information and entertainment to wait. Does anyone remember the Disney movie "Wall-E?" Every time I think of our society, I see us drawing closer and closer to becoming those people who sit on chairs and stare at screens all day long, never having any human interaction. This image terrifies me - I don't want to become one of those people! If change is going to happen, we need people who are willing to defy the societal norm and give artists and producers the time they need to release quality work.
However, I recognize that having only a few people who wait will not make a dent in the problem that is information overconsumption. And I certainly do not have the answer, but I do see the problem.
That is the first step - seeing the problem and calling it out for what it truly is...a problem.
Sometimes I wish I could just wave a wand over everyone in the world to wake them up from the spell technology has cast upon them. If only it were that simple. There must be a major change in heart, attitude, and action for overconsumption to end, or at the very least slow down. I certainly don't want to be known as the generation who only reused ideas and remade classic movies, do you? I want to be known for our creativity and respect for those who give us such wonderful entertainment.
Let's not allow the information to dry up - let's add to the reservoir so we can flourish in this age and for years to come.