It's nearing that time again. The dreaded time of year when we can almost taste the freedom of summer, but instead of being allowed to celebrate it, remain bogged down with stressful end of the year essays and final exams. The anticipation and stress are almost palpable — as are the dreaded collegiate diseases--procrastination and burnout. Students everywhere are falling prey to these horrible maladies; the victims are everywhere, frantically playing frisbee or lying in the sun, all while loads of work remain uncompleted.
Psychology Today identifies burnout as "a state of chronic stress that leads to: physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism and detachment, feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment." This can lead to decreased enjoyment of life, and even decreased immune activity. To better help students stay on the lookout for these GPA devastating illnesses, I have listed the symptoms of the more dangerous disease, burnout, below, along with some tried and true remedies. Good luck, and stay safe. *salutes.*
1. Frequent fatigue and procrastination with lack of productivity.
One of the most obvious signs of burnout are exhaustion paired with a lack of productivity. If you feel tired all the time, cannot focus on simple tasks, excessively participate in unproductive activities (such as an inordinate amount of Netflix or social time) or are a taker of frequent naps to avoid work or stress, you may be experiencing this symptom of burnout.
Solution: Ensure that you are getting the proper amount of sleep at night and work on improving alertness. Activities such as exercise and meditation can help improve wakefulness and focus. Limit your naps to 26 minutes a day, as this is the ideal time for a nap that will re-energize you but not leave you more exhausted than you were when you went to sleep. Beware of caffeine, however, as this can actually make you more tired than not .
Practice time management activities. Set a limit for procrastinating activities. Set goals for each day, and limit the amount of time you're allowed to spend on each task. Additionally, activities such as exercise and meditation in the mornings can not only improve your wakefulness but may help improve focus and concentration, which, combined with better time management, can lead to better productivity .
2. Increased anxiety or depression.
Chronic stress can cause acute anxious or depressive thoughts and behaviors. You may become extremely hyperactive or cease caring about all of the things you used to love. This may lead to less enjoyment of life, isolation, and physical effects such as weight loss and illness.
Solution: Improve methods of stress management. Make a list of things that you enjoy and that relax you, and set time aside each day for the items on your list. Allow time for relaxation and enjoyable activities, exercise, and even therapy or counseling.
3. Loss of motivation.
Burnout can leave you feeling so crappy that you don't want to do ANYTHING. You avoid your work, your friends, and even steps that you know will make you feel better. You don't care about grades, social life, or really anything at all. You're so incredibly overwhelmed that you plod through your day with barely any thought about it.
Solution: Do everything you can to focus on finals and getting your work done. Don't worry. Know that the end is in sight.
4. You become a person of extremes.
Extreme emotions, extreme thoughts, extreme behaviors. You may eat everything or nothing at all. You may be incredibly overstrung with anxiety or completely apathetic. This is very characteristic of burnout.
Solution: Work on balancing your thoughts and emotions, as this will help you control erratic behaviors. Focus on journaling or doodling, and participating in activities that emphasize balance, such as therapy, yoga or dance.
All of these symptoms of burnout are incredibly interrelated. You may experience one, none, or all of them. My advice is to push through. You alone know the solutions that will work for you and you alone can take the steps to pull yourself out of burnout. Take time for yourself and get the help you need, but know that soon enough you will put down that pen you used to fill out your last exam, and will be on your way home. Remember that there is a goal, and in the end you will be proud of yourself for pushing through when you see that perfect report card or hold that diploma in your hands.