Overcoming The Fear Of Public Speaking Is Easier Than You Think | The Odyssey Online
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Overcoming The Fear Of Public Speaking Is Easier Than You Think

Combating the fear and anxiety of publicly projecting your voice and ideas.

Overcoming The Fear Of Public Speaking Is Easier Than You Think
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Most everyone has a natural fear of public speaking or have difficulty socializing with strangers. Although it can be a difficult task not to sound jittery or nervous while publicly speaking, there are methods that decrease anxiety during these situations. Everyone has differing mental and physical reactions to public speaking-induced anxiety that can be decreased or alleviated with certain actions and activities.

1. Confidence. 

The fear of public speaking within many usually comes from the idea that we could embarrass ourselves by messing up diction or articulation. The reality of public speaking situations is that those who are listening are not judging. Conquering the fear of projecting your voice starts with having enough confidence and courage to believe in your intellectual capacities. The next time your mind is filled with nerves or anxiety before a public speech, make sure to combat those thoughts with positive and encouraging ones that will lift your morale and assure you that your words are more powerful than your fears.

2. Breathing. 

When you become anxious prior to presenting a speech or voicing an opinion before an audience, your breathing and heart will increase, causing your train of thought to become nebulous. Before this occurs, it is important to take a slow four-second breath in, holding it for two seconds and slowly exhaling it for six seconds. This method of inhaling and exhaling will slow down your breathing and heart rate, allowing your body to relax. After your physical state becomes more tranquil you will feel more level headed and prepared to project your ideas.

3. Meditation. 

If you have an upcoming speech or presentation that is causing anxiety and tension within your mind, it is important to relieve yourself of negative thoughts when they occur. Meditation doesn't require sitting on the floor with crisscrossed legs, rather an unhindered mind in any location. Taking a few minutes to close your eyes and clarify your mind by internally repeating positive qualities about yourself will not only prevent over-thinking but will help you achieve a serene and more confident composure.

4. Practice. 

It is important to face fears with knowledge in order to increase your confidence level and allow for a smooth projection of your intelligence. Practicing five times before a speech or presentation will prepare your mind enough to overcome any vocal mistakes made during the presentation. Understanding the information you are relaying gives you the advantage to communicate without doubting your delivery of the information.

5. Projection. 

When you are standing in front of a class or communicating amongst many people, it is easy to diminish the projection of your voice. Introducing your dialogue using a strong, loud and articulate voice will set the tone for the remainder of your speech. Being bold enough to enunciate your ideas coherently will set a confident mood for the rest of your delivery and encourage your audience to respect and listen to the purpose of your message.

Feeling nervous or anxious before giving a speech or socializing is a natural human tendency that should not be hidden or internalized, rather conquered or weakened. Prior to a speech, it is important to understand the material, clear your mind of negative thoughts, breath properly and have the confidence to articulate your knowledge.

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