I do not believe that it is in our human nature to choose joy. If you were to ask me, I would tell you that humans struggle being grateful. I do not think that our human nature wants us to be joyous and thankful one hundred percent of the time. Why is that? What inside of us causes our first reaction to be one of negativity rather than the contrary? I don’t have all the answers, but as I am finishing up with my internship at my church, I have been reading over the life group curriculum for the fall, and I felt convicted of my attitude before I even got past week two. I am being called to have a heart of joy and gratitude and let me tell you; I am failing.
I would like to say that I am logical, or maybe even realistic, but if you were to ask those who know me the best, they would tell you the truth. The truth is that I am a pessimist to the core. When I step back and look at a situation, I never see the good that could potentially come from it. I, without fail, see the worst-case scenario every time. Because of this, I often expect and prepare for people to let me down, which is not a good way to live! This attitude that I carry around so often leaves little room for joy and absolutely no room for gratitude. I know that not everyone faces this struggle, so if you see the glass as half full, that’s awesome, and we all want to know your secret. But for all of those glass half empty people, I am right there with you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Whatever happens, be thankful because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this.” That verse really got me while I was reading through that second week. I was thinking about how much of my life reflected the commands I read in that verse, and I didn’t feel good about the small amount of similarities between the two. I realize now that I have always excused myself from being thankful and having joy because it is in my nature to be negative. I was so wrong! Even though I have to work harder at having a good attitude, I do not get to totally excuse myself from the work.
Today I am grateful for my family, and let me tell you, I really lucked out here. I am grateful for the people in my life that I get to call friends-the ones that I have made while in college and the ones I haven’t lost since I left home. I am so incredibly grateful for my church home and for those who have taken the time to invest in my life. I am grateful for my education and for the opportunity to have a voice in this crazy world. Today I am choosing to have joy because my God has so graciously given me all of these things to be grateful for.