Life is full of uncertainties right now. We have no idea what the days, weeks, and months ahead of us hold — how, when, and if we will end the coronavirus pandemic. There seems to be so much in life to stress over — school, work, etc. With each passing day, we tend to grow more concerned and worried. We cannot keep this up. While we cannot control the things happening right now, we can control our mindset and outlook of everything. I am still learning how to cope with my fear of uncertainty and it isn't easy. However, these five tips I have listed below have kept me calm, and hopefully, it will do the same for you.
1. Be good to yourself
It is okay if you are struggling more than others. We are all facing different levels of stress and uncertainty, and we all handle it differently. Do not beat yourself up if you cannot cope with your stress like others. Stop comparing yourself to others and focus primarily on yourself. Be kind and gentle to yourself during these stressful times.
2. Stay positive, even when it feels impossible
This is easier said than done, but it is so crucial for all of us struggling to keep a positive mindset right now. Even on your worst day, think hard about one positive thing, big or small, that happened in your day. The slightest amount of positivity can change your mood in an instant if you let it.
3. Avoid worrying about things you cannot control
It seems like everything in life is totally out of our control right now. When uncertainty strikes, we all tend to think about the worst possible scenarios. Get in the habit of shifting your focus on the things you can control. You have the power to control how you view your day. For the sake of your sanity, make it a good day.
4. Reflect
You might not know where you are heading in this roller coaster of life, but you know how far you have come. Reflect on your past successes, big and small. Reflect on what is happening to you in the present moment, both bad and good. Write your thoughts and feelings down or talk it out with a friend or relative, whatever makes you feel good.
5. Realize that you are not alone
Look around — everyone is feeling some amount of uncertainty right now. We have no idea what the future holds for us. These times we are living in are scary. I have a fear of the unknown. I continually worry about the future. However, I have faith in knowing that I am not alone. I know that we will get through these troubling times together.