At some point in our lives, we each become the green-eyed monster we never hoped to be. Jealousy lurks around us constantly, especially with the frequent updates into other's social lives via social media. Struggling with envy has become very common, and it is an emotion that may make you feel as if you are trapped and cannot escape. Jealousy does not benefit us in any way. In fact, jealousy has the following effects on our bodies:
- It causes stress and anxiety
- It leads to bitterness and resentment
- Depression can follow a prolonged amount of envy
- You may notice more acne
- Self-image and body issues may arise
While these effects can be particularly harmful to ourselves, they can also become harmful to those around us as well. Envy can be seen as a 'wasted emotion' in a sense because no one actually benefits from it. Viewing others in a way that makes us feel hateful is not likely to have a positive outcome. Like many of us, we desire to live in a jealousy-free world where there are no constraints on how we live.
In overcoming jealousy, it is important to keep a few things in mind:
1. Focus on the good in your life.
By focusing on what you do have instead of what you don't, you will begin to see that you may be taking for granted the gifts you have received in your life. Remind yourself that you are loved, you are talented, you are intelligent and you are strong. Continue to remind yourself of these things until you truly start to believe it.
2. Keep in mind that nobody is perfect.
If you are constantly comparing your life to others, you are not fully admiring all of the good that you have right before your eyes. Although it may always seem that someone has more to offer, or that someone is living their life just a little more than you are, but you are only seeing the cover-story of their lives. They probably have experienced murky situations, just as we all have. This is what makes us human, but keep in mind, you are also human.
3. Be generous and kind.
By extending the hand of friendship, you will feel a sense of calm take over that may seem strange to you. Take the time to give a compliment to each person that you encounter in a day. Your kind words and generosity may make all of the difference to someone who is having a tough day, and your positivity will make a world of difference for not only them but yourself.
4. Be mindful.
Take time out of your day to sit and meditate, do yoga or even just sit in silence and drink a glass of water and reflect. Reflecting on all of the good experiences that happened that day, or looking forward to all of the goals that you would like to achieve in a week, may help you take your mind off of the negative influences and stresses in your life.
5. Stop viewing life as a competition.
Maybe your ex is dating someone new, and you are taking it very hard. Don't think to yourself what you did wrong in comparison to their new significant other, but instead, think of all of the things that you did right, and how you both benefitted from that relationship. Look at the positive takeaways from that experience and see how you may grow as a person instead of trying to compete for the spotlight. You never know what positivity may bring into your life.
In overcoming envy, we will be able to live a more fulfilling life, become more positive and take advantage of all of the good that you have to offer to yourself and to others. Jealousy can make anyone a green-eyed monster, but don't let him stick around.