When many people think of divorce they think of parents screaming and yelling at each other across the living room. In my situation, that wasn't the case. My parents were so independent from each other that they lacked communication and connection.
When I found out my parents were separating during my junior year of high school, I didn't think much of it. I was so preoccupied with the stress of getting into college and just being a teenager. I did see both of my parents struggle in different ways, and it was painful to watch.
It was hard to see my parents get sad and frustrated, but I knew it was just part of life and they would get through it. Both of my parents were able to bring themselves up from the dark and be able to prosper and continue their lives on their own.
I am very fortunate to say that my parents have always been civil and they still are. It taught me the biggest lesson that sometimes the hardest decision to make in life is the best decision. I now value the importance of honoring myself in a relationship and that standing up for yourself is the key to getting what you deserve.
I noticed once my parents separated they started focusing on themselves and they started to pursue their passions. My mother started becoming more spiritual and she started reading inspirational books and leaning to horoscopes for healing. My father started rigorous training at the gym with a personal trainer and started eating a healthier diet.
They both taught me that there is much more to life than relationships. If you are satisfied with yourself and the things you do, you are guaranteed happiness. They motivated me to work on myself as a person and they inspired me to keep writing and taking photos.
I have gotten much closer with my dad's side of the family since the divorce. I see my relatives more often and we always plan fun events such as baking cookies, going out to dinner and spending fun time in Los Angeles or Lake Arrowhead California.
I started to have a more positive perspective on life. People always go through hard times and everyone will their whole life, but it's up to you on how you look at it. If you see pain and hardship as a learning lesson and something you will overcome, you will come out stronger and grateful.