If you're a senior, then there's a eight out of ten chance you've suffered (or are suffering) from Senioritis. Senioritis is a serious condition, characterized by procrastination and a general disdain for school-related work.
Without proper treatment, it can result in not graduating. Here are some simple home remedies for Senioritis:
1. Remember: you're not in high-school anymore (where one’s entire senior year is essentially superfluous and made for squandering).
You’re in college, where one learns the most important information during their final two semesters. The information you’ve been waiting to learn since enrolling.
2. Imagine: how good you’ll feel upon graduating, knowing you gave everything you had to the college experience.
3. Think of: your GPA.
4. Think of: the opinions of your professors.
5. Whenever you want to skip class: don’t.
6. Well… you can skip every once in a while.
7. Actually. You know what? You’ve worked incredibly hard these last few years.You deserve a mental health day. A sit-at-home-and-drink-tea day. An unplanned adventure day.
8. Don’t procrastinate on projects. (You’re not going to want to do it any more at 1 am than you did at 6 pm. Trust me.)
9. The time and energy you’ve dedicated to earning your degree has been an investment in yourself. Don’t pull your funds out too early or you might miss the rewards you’ve spent years accumulating.
Oh, no. Wait. Sorry. That's the wrong gif. Here we go:
Note: See your advisor if symptoms persist.