Up until this year, I really hated working out at gyms and, truthfully, I think I was afraid of them. A large gym full of equipment and machines that I don't know how to use was daunting and intimidated me. This fear prevented me from working out and prevented me from being as healthy as I could be.
How did I overcome this fear? Well, the first step to overcoming any fear is to face it.
At school, I started going to the gym when my friends were going. We would try new classes, and when they were using machines or equipment that was foreign to me, I would have them teach me how to use it. Going to the fitness classes with friends made them enjoyable, and they got easier each time you went.
Now I'm home for the summer, and my new gym was, once again, a little scary at first. Each day, I try to overcome my fears by trying out a new machine. An easy way to learn is to watch someone using the machine and when they're done, you give it a try.
There are also trainers who can show you around the gym and teach you how to use the machines. And if machines aren't for you, the classes are always a fun way to get in an hour of exercise, and the instructors will make it really easy for you to learn.
Don't let your inexperience scare you because everyone has to start somewhere, and keeping at it is the only way you will learn and gain that experience.