What are we always thinking about?
Our minds are constantly running, but what are we actually thinking about? Is it really that important that it keeps us up at night? Or do we have to base all over decisions are just a single thought?
Sometimes it seems like we overthink things way too much, and so many people say the same thing. So what if we all stop thinking? That sounds insane. How are you supposed to start thinking, I just imagine this, No thoughts just living in the moment doing exactly what's happening right in front of you. What would change your life?
Sometimes I think about this myself, what would really change in my life if I stopped overthinking everything as much as I do.
Even though it seems like the amount Of overthinking I do on a daily Basis, it kind of seems like it's normal to me like it's a part of my regular everyday activities. But it's not I think about every single decision I make and I overthink it, even the small things. For example: Should I get iced coffee or hot coffee on my way to work? If I get iced coffee my hands will be cold. But if I get hot coffee that I can't get the kind of coffee that I wanted to get iced. But ice coffee makes my stomach hurt. And so on and so forth.
As you can see thought processes are never ending. We're constantly questioning ourselves on the decisions that we're making. These questions make us overthink every single thing that we're doing. Something to think about: stop thinking. This takes up even more thinking then you really wanted it to.
Now this might seem just like a word vomit, But this entire text is a legitimate thought process. Even after you read this you're continuously thinking about it, and overthinking about it. What if we had a single thought about everything and then it was over? Would it make our lives so much simpler? Or would everything just be more complicated?
Even if you think that you've mastered the art of not overthinking, you're lying to yourself. It's impossible, well at least for me. I guess for some of us overthinking is our nature and we wouldn't be able to go without it. But what is the reason for overthinking? So many things should be solved or decided it's just a single thought but then we continue to think about it even after we did it. Going back to the Coffee example, let's say I did get ice coffee, then my thought process goes onto why did I get iced coffee? My hands are so cold right now. What if I got hot coffee? Would I still be cold and when I just be drinking hot coffee? Or would my hands be warm?