You get annoyed or upset at things you shouldn’t.You get sad about things you shouldn’t.You cry to easily or just want a lot of affection.This is normal.This happens to everyone whether or not they want to admit it.But what happens or what do you do when someone says “you are way too sensitive” or “you get offended easily”?Do you overreact? Do you say absolutely nothing at all? It’s hard.It’s perfectly normal to feel a long range of emotions multiple times a day.
There are certain things that happen in everyday life that can trigger these range of emotions.Maybe you’ve had an off day that has just made you want to crawl into a shell.Maybe you’ve just aced one of your midterms and all you want to do is yell at the top of your lungs about how happy you are.JUST EXPRESS YOURSELF.You shouldn’t let other peoples comments control how you feel or want to be feeling.
I think it’s very important for people to be able to express how their feeling in their own. Special. Way. I express so many different emotions in so many different ways whenever; it may not always be a good way to do so but I definitely think that a majority of people feel restricted because they are too scared or what people have to say or think.