We often only see people for what they look like on the outside. We can't be mad at people for that, it is just human nature at this point.I know it is cliche, but judging a book by its cover is totally true. I personally hated reading as a child but there have been times where I have picked up a book and not been able to put it down after looking past the cover page. Just like a book, take the time to look deeper into people and look past the face they put on for the outside world.
Every day you wake up with the same exact face you were born with, duh. Every day you wake up and go to school or work you are most likely walking past the same exact people everyday. I bet you those people have their own persona on you, and I bet that almost all of them aren't right. Those people only see the face you put on that morning when you walk out of your door. I know for a fact that the face I have on or the expression I am wearing does not define the way I am feeling or what I may be struggling with that day. There may be a bad day where you're talking to someone and come off a little snippy because of reasons you only know and then you become a bitch. In that moment in time, you wanna scream "hey I am not a bitch, I am struggling, help!" But people will only see you for what you show. Let's be real who flaunts their issues in life? You're more likely to see a tweet like "Just got my new purse, it was 600 bucks but so worth it! #stoked" not something like "just went to the doctor and I am now on Zoloft #depressed". It's normal in the world we live in to flaunt our accomplishments and not seek help for our downfalls. We have this gift in life and its called our minds. Each and everyone one of us holds our own beautiful mind that holds each and every struggle or illness that we are housing. What if we just took the time to listen to each other's minds and understand each obstacle that one another are facing. The mind can be so beautiful but can also be so dark and it does not show on your face. A person will not see the darkness that your mind is enduring as a reflection on the face you have to the outside world.
The girl that you may think has everything and is so lucky may be having a war inside her head every single day but you've based your opinion on the smile she wears when you walk past her. Looks can be deceiving because not every smile you see is a real one. Remember that we only share our accomplishments in life with the public and not our unhappy moments. Instead of just glancing over a person like a book you don't wanna read try it opening it up, you may find some things you never knew before.