My best friend and I were absolutely inseparable for about a year. Up until then, we were just casual friends, we talked at work to make the time pass quicker, but that was it. Then all of a sudden we were together 24/7. Always on the phone, always going out to eat together, always just talking to each other about life. It got to the point where my boyfriend at the time and all my other friends were jealous, they never got to see me because I was always with her.
My friends from work would tell me it was toxic, that no one should spend that much time together. But I just thought they were jealous, so I shrugged it off.
It wasn't until this spring that I realized something wasn't right.
Every time something inconvenienced her, it was automatically my fault. When her relationship didn't work out, it was because of me. When she got into a car accident, it was because she wanted to answer my text. When she failed her test it was because I wouldn't take it for her. The list went on and on and the allegations against me continued to worsen. I was at a loss. I couldn't believe I could cause these things until I realized, I didn't.
I saw our friendship for what it was, a toxic wasteland.
Every day I was being accused of ruining her life. The fact that I was going to school and held a job made her look bad. She was never happy with herself and it was always because I was doing something more successful, according to her. As soon as I cut her out of my daily life I instantly noticed how much less of a burden life felt like. I no longer dreaded going to work. I started to enjoy doing well in school. And my fitness went back to being normal since I had time to play sports again.
In the end, some people don't need to be in your life. You just have to let go to see that.