High school is over, and welcome to your new college wardrobe. Comfy, casual, and most of all still cute. High school may have been the time you would dress up for classes but save those outfits for a night out on the town for when it counts! But for now, check out some looks that you are bound to see in your classes this semester.
1.The workout tank top with giant arm holes
Although you know you should probably leave it at the gym, sometimes you get this thought in your brain that all the ladies and gents on campus deserve to see how fit your body looks.
2. Sweat Pants
3. Pajama Pants
Too hard to resist especially when cutting it close to making it on time to class.
4. Leggings
5. Something that should have
been washed
When there is no mom to do your laundry, laundry seems to be put off more.
6. T-shirts supporting your hometown
Gotta show love for your favorite
sports teams.
7. The freebie shirts they hand out
Because who doesn’t love free stuff?
8. Slippers
Way too comfy to pass up.
9. Shirts with silly sayings
A good way to catch attention of fellow classmates.