So going into my second year of Mary Baldwin and having my parents all the way in Florida I have learned a lot not only about who I am but also what I'll never get over. So the very beginning I was so excited that I ignored the fact that I would be 1000 miles away from everything I know. I loved being away from family. I loved knowing that I could come back to the room at 4 am and not have someone yelling at me. I loved knowing that if I wanted to do something I wasn't suppose to do, my parents wouldn't know nor would I get yelled at. I could skip class and watch Netflix or sleep in if I wanted to. I picked what I would do that day and if I wore pants.
Then life hit me. I was failing two classes, my laundry was stacking up, my room was a mess, I was sure that I haven't worn pants in a week, I don't know the last time I saw sunlight, and I haven't eaten anything other than junk food and ramen. By me trying to revolt and not care I was slowly drowning. I forgot why I was even in college.
Also, that one day where you just have nothing to do but be emotional; yeah, that will be the day that you sit, cry, think of family memories, and remember you miss your family so much! You start calling them all the time and it seems like if you aren't in class or working, you are on the phone with some family member. I think this past week I have video called with my parents nine times! It has been five days.
All those classes that you didn't go to, yeah you have to find notes and redo all of those homework sheets. That's only if your professors actually accept them. So your list for a weekend that could have been two assignments it is now twelve all due Monday. Even after a year being in college, I will admit, I am in that spot right now.
Now for the past eighteen years, yeah you may have done a few loads of your laundry but lets be real, your parent has done most of it, right? Yeah I though so. So you look at the over flowing laundry basket and you know that you need to get it down when you look in your closet and see one dress, a pair of shorts, and maybe one more shirt if your lucky. I know I need to do laundry when I wear a dress just because I have no more pants.
Now even though you love the fact that you can do whatever you want. At least two times you have looked at community colleges back home. Even though this may be the school of your dreams, you have, we all have. To be honest I got to the point where I missed my family that I was ready to give up my dream and go back home. I even started getting rid of things just to make it easier on me to move back. Fighting that urge was the hardest challenge I have accoutered but I know it won't be my last one.
Until next time. Live, Laugh, and Prosper my friend.