For those who are out of shape and finally come to the conclusion that maybe some exercise will help get rid the weight or help you gain muscle, I give you a brief explanation of possible experiences you might have while at the gym.
1. You might compare yourself to those around you.
If you ever find yourself doing this, remember that different body types are in fact a thing and even if you're as fit as you can be, you will never look like someone else. Keep this in mind especially when you see incredibly fit people that wear mildly revealing clothing that shows off their muscles. In most cases, these people have worked hard for the body that they have (unless they're just blessed) and you should understand that they want to show off their hard work. When you get to that level with your own fitness, you will come to understand the sentiment.
2. A sudden urge to avoid any mirrors.
This urge may befall you, especially when you're standing next to a person doing bicep curls with fifty pounds while you can barely lift fifteen. For those with a little more junk in the trunk and everywhere else, mirrors can be the bane of your existence because with every movement, a part of your body moves when you don't want it to. Don't let this get to you, it's natural. You should be happy that you're at least trying and getting somewhere with your workouts. A little jiggle of a belly is better than further growth of one.
3. You may want to compete with those who are clearly more fit than you.
Don't, I repeat, don't do this. You will be the only one thinking of it as a competition and pushing yourself too hard can cause injury and just make your adventure in the gym a little more miserable. Do things at your own pace, I promise you will improve if you just give your body time to adjust.
4. You might find yourself gaping at people who can bench their own body weight with ease.
Don't worry though, even the person doing the lifting's eyes will bulge. Because they're having a stroke and their muscles are screaming. Make sure they're okay after every set then continue on your merry way, okay?
5. The signature wince of disgust at the loud wheezing and grunts you will surely hear.
Like any other gym-goer whether regular or relatively new like you, you will wince in disgust whenever a guy lifting weights grunts loudly with each rep. Yes, they're probably lifting more than you can ever possibly muster right now, but why are they screaming? Just breathe out, sir.
6. Finally...
Remember that a gym is just a place to help you, not a terrifying area full of sweating muscle-heads. While at the gym, it's perfectly okay to be selfish and focus on yourself. That's the only reason you're there, to improve yourself.
Make friends, stay hydrated, and get yourself in shape, friend.