Have you ever just felt that you were completely out of it. Like you are not aware of the life that is passing you by and the days that you are living. Not saying that you are walking around like a zombie and having the world flash in front of you. More like you're teenager years floating right in front of your face and you are now faced with the reality that you are an adult and that it's almost that time where you solely take care of yourself. No calling home, no asking mom or dad to deposit money in the account, just you and the struggles of being an adult.
Don't get me wrong I am excited for the future and the future success that I know for sure that I will have but maybe I don't know for sure how my future is going to look. Right now in college, you take certain steps to "secure the bag" as DJ Khaled the funniest Snapchatter alive would say, but what if you just can't figure out if the bag you chose to secure is the right one for you. I feel like some days I just really don't know what I wanna do, how I wanna do it and why I wanna do it. All I see in my future is money and stability and frankly, I just don't know if the things I am doing currently is gonna really help me meet those goals.
I mean, of course, I wanna stay in school but is that really enough. Day after day counselors, advisers, and a whole bunch of other people drill into our heads that the real world is coming and we need to be prepared for it but maybe this is the real world and we are really unprepared.
I just see all these young people on Snapchat and Instagram already wealthy and they all seem to have their lives together and have all the money they may ever need, but then I look at myself in comparison like wtf. For one I'm still the epitome of a broke college student, calling home every weekend asking for money. If I get a job I'm warned that I may fall behind and that is frightening in itself.
Honestly, I'm just not sure anymore, I really have no answers of what and why I wanna do something. All I know is that I'm just going to go out there and do it and hope for the best. Maybe we all have this stage in college where were so confused about ourselves.