Though this article on our newly declared president is delayed, I feel as though we will never be able to put this topic rest, simply because of the weight social media has played in this election. This presidential election has been a long nightmare, with endless tossing and turning, a lot of rude interruptions, and a few monsters who were hiding underneath our beds have come out to say a quick “vote for me!”. I am not here to shove my political views in your face, nor am I here to offend you or tell you your political views are wrong. I am here to say my reaction and my predictions for the future of this country.
I will start off with a quick disclaimer; I was a Hillary supporter. And I was broken up when I saw the results, but not for the fact that my candidate didn’t win. I was broken up because I feared the candidate that did win. I feared him not for his political party, but for his lack of humanity. I know many of you at this point are rolling your eyes and are about to close the screen, or getting ready to read yet another article from a that a “whiny child who didn’t get their way”, but please don’t give up on me just yet. I’m not here to whine. I’m not here to say “this isn’t my America”. I’m here to say this IS my America, and I will not be silenced. Just like all the women who marched, I will not be silenced. I am aware of our history and of the glaring fact history repeats itself, but I will be damned if our most oppressive pieces of our history, reared their ugly heads again. People who differ from my opinions or who do not view this change in power as incredibly drastic will claim that I am overreacting. And maybe I am, but I think I have a good reason to. One of my main goals in life is for this country to treat people, women in general, better than they treated currently. I want my children to live in a more accepting America, so my fear is that this is deterring from that path.
I have always been a kind-hearted girl who wanted to see the best in people and attempted to not acknowledge the ugly parts of them. This is one of my greatest strengths and yet one of my greatest weaknesses. I do my best to give second chances, and allow people the privilege of going through a hard time. But this time around, I was at a loss of second chances. Or third, or fourth, or fifth. This time around I couldn’t see past the ugliness that kept creeping out of our new presidential elect. Everywhere he went, Hate followed like a storm cloud that he couldn’t escape. Many people are claiming that he is just bringing out the American people’s true nature. I do believe that there are just some bad people out there who have some very backward views on our new and growing society. I also believe that once you give someone a platform to voice their opinions, it changes people. It’s human nature to lead by example, many children learn how to do basic everyday tasks by watching their elders. So, when you give someone who has these taboo and aggressive morals, it will call the people with those morals out and possibly brainwash some who are scared and hopeless.
I am not someone who will rant about the intelligence or the socioeconomic levels of the individuals who voted for Donald Trump and say these are the reasons they voted for him because that’s simply not true. It’s too easy to blame a lack of intelligence and not to mention the falsity that lies in that blame. The people who voted for Trump were not simply KKK members; they were your neighbors. The people who voted for him are scared, just as we are, but of a different future. Those who fear Trump’s America, are afraid of all the changes he will initiate and the changes he has initiated in his voters. Trump’s voters fear an America that lacks Trump for the sake of their financial situations. It’s a hard concept to wrap your mind around if your position is different than theirs, so we are in no position to judge them.
For those of you who are not relating to any of my concerns, it’s okay. I don’t view you as any less of a friend or a common citizen, we just live different lives. Of course, if you are a middle to upper class white male, what do you have to fear? Your rights towards your citizenship, your body, your money, your status; none of that is being challenged. I understand your belief that I am overreacted because you do not associate with any of my concerns, but that also means that you do not have the right to tell me I’m overreacted. We are different people, in different situations. To make a very stark and aggressive comparison: I’m sure the Nazi’s thought the Jewish citizens were overreacting as well.