WARNING: This article will upset or offend some people. This is in no way, shape or form meant to bother anything or anybody. This is my opinion coming from a person who enjoys and wants to teach U.S History.
Recently our nations history has been all over the news. The talk of racism and hate has been on the tongue of many Americans due to the sheer hatred by others. What has been done to Americans, by Americans, has been distasteful and angering for many.
Due to these fits of hate done by others, the history of America has been the talk of discussion. People want to get rid of our nation's history due to their personal beliefs. That the events that lead to the birth of our country are now events that people feel need to be eliminated. That if certain historical events are eliminated from textbooks, or it monuments of confederate leaders become piles of rubble somehow all the hate in this country will go away. That racism and hate against other Americans will somehow become non-existent.
Call me naive, but I think that the trials and tribulations of our past is what has made this country as advance as we are today. That from a historical standpoint, it has proven that over time this country has become a pretty free and amazing place to live. If you look at many of the other countries around the world, the citizens of those countries do not have many freedoms as the United States does. My opinion, just because we want to get rid of something, doesn't necessarily mean that it goes away.
Now I am not saying that there are no bad people in this country. No matter what time period it was, or where in the world we are at, there is always some form of good and evil. I also believe that no matter how many events you want to eliminate, or how many things you want to destroy, the "evil" many people see is not going to necessarily go away.
As a history major, I truly believe that eliminating things from history books is a problem. I think that in order to eliminate the hate and discontent in this world, it needs to start with the people of this country, not the history that came before us. That knocking down monuments and taking down flags only loses the identity of how our country became the nation we are today.
I am extremely lucky to be able to have the opportunities I have, and be able to voice the opinions I have because of the freedom I have. I think that every future generation should be able to understand and feel positive about how things might not have been so easy in the beginning, but we became the nation we are today because of it, and hopefully find other ways to help make our country a great place to live.