I will babysit, nanny, love and nurture any child to the best of my ability whether they are my family or one I hardly know. A child brings joy to my heart in many ways just as it does most people. Many people bring children into the world by accident. Sometimes it changes people's lives for the better and they are the happiest they have ever been and there is a happy ending. Other times we see children live sad and undeserving lives with parents who may be strung out on drugs or who are just simply careless, there are times when parents see children as a way to draw a check. What is so hard about being selfless when it comes to a human life? Although I am not a parent, I would just imagine I would want the very best for my child, if I can give it to them, great. If I cannot then do not let me be their downfall. Let me be the bigger person and give my child to someone who has to capability of giving it a beautiful life full of love, care, and compassion.
I have come to terms with the fact I do not desire or meet the requirements to be a mother at this stage in my life. Anyone can be a parent but it takes a real woman or man with impeccable qualities to truly be a mother or father. I believe children deserve nothing less of having both a mother and a father. I know that I do not possess the patience, love, forgivingness, care, and encouragement it takes to be a full-time parent at 20-years-old. If I were to bring a child into this world, it would be for selfish reasons. It would be because I was only thinking of myself or playing a game with a price I was not yet willing to pay. I could only be a mediocre parent to a child of God who deserves nothing short of astonishing parents who can offer it the world. I would be selfish to rob a child of all these wonderful qualities so many other people can offer them.
I see at least once per day the announcement of a baby on the way who is being born to a child themselves. I watch as incompetent people bring lives into this world with no intentions of bettering their lives for a child or even giving a better life to a child. Children are having children every day in this country, and somehow we think that it was their mistake that led them to this and they have to own up to the mistake. We believe that making them raise the child they accidentally conceived to be punishment. You haven't punished the parent; you have punished that unborn child. How dare you give the immense responsibility of raising a human life to someone who couldn't even take proper precautions for five minutes of fun? You expect them to mold a good, hardworking, respectable human when they clearly can't even make good decisions on their own. This is selfish; this is a tragedy. What is respectable is making a mistake and owning up to it by doing the right thing. The right thing isn't to raise a child you are not ready for. The right thing is to evaluate your options. I am not saying abortion but there are plenty of deserving people in this world who are ready to give a child anything and everything they have to offer. Why wouldn't you think of your child over yourself and give it the life it deserves?
Many young moms and dads have turned out to be outstanding parents that mold children into outstanding citizens. I am by no means throwing every young parent in the same category. I am so happy to see children of young parents receiving the love and care they need. It warms my heart to know there are people in the world who rise to the occasion and go above and beyond. At 20 years old, I will be happy to tell you I am not at a place in my life to raise a child, and to bring one into this world with the intentions of raising it would be selfish of me. I would, of course, try my hardest to be the best mother I could be but at the end of the day, my best doesn't even touch what a child is deserving of.
Please don't mistake this message for me being mean, unloving, or coldhearted. I love children and love to be a part of molding their lives. I will always love children and I have the utmost respect for them; that is why I think they deserve nothing short of the world. Why have we as society lowered our respect for children? Having a part time job you can hardly keep, living mostly off of your parents, and having no intentions to better your life is a prime example of someone who should realize they are not in a position to raise a child. Quit making children who played no role in their parents' mistake suffer the consequences more than anyone else.