Our Unsaid Words…
Whether it was bittersweet, angry, or just a product of growing apart I feel like I’ve lost so many people in the past couple of years. Graduating high school, moving away to college, and just growing up has taught me that so many people that come into your life are only temporary. They bring with them lessons, advice, and even heartache sometimes. No matter the person or the situation, even if we did technically have closure, I still feel there are words we left unsaid.
I want you all to know though we left the physical presence of each other in our lives in the past, I carry you with me everywhere. When life gets hard and pushes me against the ground, I pull out my strength and stand up yet again. That strength is thanks to those who broke my heart. I’ve lost loves, friends, and family and each loss seemed to sting more than the last. To all my heartbreaks, thank you. You’ve taught me that a broken heart does heal, and it will be even stronger than before. That although we didn’t work out, its possible to love again. That the heart never reaches maximum capacity.
To the friends, I gradually grew apart from, I hope all your dreams come true. I hope you get to live in that house we talked about, I hope you meet your soulmate, and I hope you know it wasn’t malicious. One day I think you and I looked up from living our lives and realized we weren’t at each other’s side. We let life get in the way. We are both still cheering each other on from afar, and if you ever call I’ll answer.
To those who tested my strength, judged my character, and put me down I want you to know you’ll never be successful at dragging me down. In my moments of weakness, I remember I have survived every hard day up until this point. No matter what has been thrown at me good or bad I have conquered it. Please know I am stronger than whatever attempts to hurt me.
Change is only scary because of the unknown. We’d all rather sit in a bubble of comfort our whole lives, but that’s just not how it works.With change comes loss, some sad, some necessary, some relieving. To those I’ve lost, we might not ever get to say the unspoken words we might still think of, we may never find the courage, cross our paths or even want to, so this is for us.