Different generations have different issues with which to deal with. In a sense, it could be said that our generation is the generation with the least drastic issues to deal with. While other generation have had World Wars and dealing with national issues that made people fear for their lives we have major events that frighten us but are not always a major concern in day-to-day life such as terrorism, and wars in different countries.
This is not to undermine any issues that we are facing, however. In this generation we have begun to tackle more social issues that further advance our mindset as a society in a more progressive manner such as the issues of transsexuality, open relationships, pansexuality etc. Also, we have begun to see the injustice in treating immigrants as lesser people not warranting them their normal human rights.
For all the progress we have made we have also plagued ourselves with violent misunderstanding that leads to acts of violence amongst our own people, people that are not different, people that deserve respect and equality. In our current generation we have continuously shown a discriminatory nature, and if love is the key to furthering our society into one of more understanding these senseless acts of violence and inability to sympathize must cease.
We seem to be caught in a major popularity contest in the United States, in which we relinquish our individuality and leave things at either democrat or republican with either a close-minded or open minded point of view which we are now fighting to uphold in the upcoming election. We must stop polarizing our ideals and realize that individuality exists, that through understanding of individuality we will accomplish a society that furthers itself in unity and congruence.
From these different points of view that have become extreme, we have seemingly lost the ability to even move forward in our own government with congress doing less than they have done in all of history. This is only further made obvious by the way in which no one can seem to make up their minds in the current election, even the major parties themselves continue to argue amongst themselves.
The step that must be taken to further our society and help our generation is one of unity and one in which we can finally see each other as equals no matter our background. When it comes to the way we were raised no one truly understands the differences between class and social hierarchy until they see it for themselves. Having been born into a lower middle class home my doors were not as open as others in even a normal middle class standing and especially not in a higher social status. Having known someone with more money I realize that those that have not been in a situation similar to my own tend to know none of the strife that we go through. Only through empathy can we become more connected, through humbling ourselves and also understanding the privilege that we may not have and how it may shape those who do have it.