This past week I had the amazing opportunity to be in Atlanta for the Passion 2017 conference. I will just tell you that it is something unlike anything else you will experience in your life, utterly amazing. Every single song that was sung (Yes, Carrie Underwood made one heck of an appearance), every speaker who talked to 55,000 college students, every person you sat next to was impacted in some type of way that is very hard to explain. I'll start off with this: our generation still loves Jesus and that fact was proven by the 55,000 people that filed into the Georgia Dome for three days.
Have Your Voice Heard: Become an Odyssey Creator
There is this new profound stereotype that our generation would rather get stupid drunk on a Saturday night to not be able to attend church on Sunday mornings, than have a relationship with Jesus. If anyone agrees with that, they clearly did not hear about or see what I did over those three days. I will say that our generation gets so wrapped up in social media to overlook what could be a life changing relationship with Jesus. We start to perceive this "perfect life" that so many followers give off while we scroll through Snapchat or Instagram and forget about how Jesus made us the way He wanted us to be. He did not make you or me to see someone on social media and change what He gave you. I am just as guilty of it as anyone else is, but I put my relationship on hold when I am constantly comparing myself to others on social media when I need to be thankful He made me the way He wanted me.
Throughout the three days that we spent worshipping, I came to the fact that I was living for Him. Beth Moore told us "My life doesn't belong to me. It was a gift from God for God and it should be lived accordingly." Some college students would shrug it off and not think twice about going to party every night, but I want to live my life for Him. The one who gave the ultimate sacrifice to make my life better. The one who heals my pain, gives me strength through the long college nights, the one who understands me like none other. That is how I want to use my gift from God.
Beth Moore said something else that has stuck with me since leaving Passion; she said "Leaving Passion changed, may cost relationships." She is right on so many different levels; it could end my lifetime relationships with my friends back home and my friends at school because I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Those relationships need to die if you are looked differently for being a follower, get rid of those and take in someone new to start your life with Him.
Lastly, I saw just how much our generation really does love Jesus, because for the first time, we all made history together. Passion conference partnered up with Compassion and together 55,000 college students successfully sponsored every child from El Salvador, Rwanda, Tanzania and Indonesia. No child was left behind, every single one was sponsored. That right there gave me chills, because we have come so familiar with the phrase "broke college kid" that every child was sponsored because in the power of Jesus we put selfishness aside and are going to help these children have a life and live a life through Jesus as well. My fiancé and I are the proud parents of a 12 year old boy ourselves from Rwanda and I can't wait to show him a life through Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 2: 9 says “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him—
This generation is the future, a future that is becoming so bright because through all of the stereotypes I, along with 55,000 others love Jesus Christ and I can promise that.