"Things should happen by chance, that's how life is."
Right now I feel my chances are everywhere. They are all in these little ponds filled with nets just waiting for the fish to come. We've all got this little ponds, some big some small.
Right now some nets are so full that the fish are inside squirming around and jumping out of the pond because they are overflowing.
Then there's others. Perhaps relationships or love. The net full of fish but not as much as I'd want. But here I am, looking at them come and go as they please. Sometimes they are visible and I can grab them, other times they are there and I just sit and watch them. Then there are some moments where there are a couple lone fish wandering in and out of the net; confused but intrigued and curious.
I just dread sitting and waiting to see which net will fill first, which one I'll take out, which one will never have the fish I need or want. That's the point though, right?
We never know how things are going to turn out and we never know the answer.
Things should happen by chance. We can't force these fish into the nets we want them to be in. We have to be patient, and that's one heck of a hard lesson to learn.
We learn from them, knowing that if one does not ever fill, there is a reason for that. There's gotta be.
Maybe this fish net thing may not make sense, but overall it's something we need to remember; that chances are everywhere. Some may leave and some may stay for you to grab but that's the best part.