To the people I talk to 24/7,
You are the best.
Nothing beats our infamous group chat. From the advice you give to the jokes we share, you are my main source of entertainment and communication throughout the day.
Yes, you distract me to no end. Studying is impossible, and my exam grades may suffer from constantly checking our texts instead of checking facts, but I couldn't imagine life without our squad. On the nights I go to sleep early, there is no doubt I will wake up with 300 messages. However, this isn't always the case. When the group chat is having a slow night, I am at a loss of what to do.
So what makes our group chat so great? Let me tell you.
You are my outlet for venting.
Even when it is about the dumbest thing possible, you are there to listen. Whether I am letting out my anger from a bad grade or I am simply hungry, you are always there to hear me out no matter how dramatic I am.
You make me laugh until I cry.
After going out or even staying in, nothing beats those classic pictures and videos we exchange and receive. You are the reason I burst out laughing in class, and for that I love you.
You make it so much easier to make plans.
I feel included all the time, even when I am not there. With more people comes more plans; the options are truly endless. Plus, when we are all reunited it's finally time to put the phones away and celebrate!
We are always sending random gossip... even if it has nothing to do with us.
Yes, we are creepy, but how could I keep up with everything around me without having constant updates from you guys?
When I am not talking to you guys, what the hell do I do?
With a constant source for entertainment, I am way too accustomed to talking to you 24/7. Sometimes it is hard to know what to do with myself when you guys are busy, but I know that I will spammed once again in due time.
The inside jokes are priceless.
With multiple people in on the same joke, the number of times it can be used is infinite. Inside jokes are great, but group chat inside jokes are pretty much the be all end all (despite the fact that we seem crazy when out in public).
In any case, I love our late night talks, the jokes and everything that comes along with our close-knit group chat.