In honor of spending five months together baby, this one's for you...
If anyone ever asked me what five months with you looked like, there is so many things I could say. And after much careful thought and consideration, I've made a list of some of the most special ones. I love our adventures's to many more. So for those of you who'd ask me what five months have been like, this is what I'd say:
5 months is the way he makes me smile when I don't want to.
5 months is the way he finds every cotton candy flavored thing in the store and buys it for me.
5 months is the way he bought me a Stitch stuffed animal from "Lilo and Stitch" because I said I liked it, even if it cost too much according to me.
5 months is the way he goes to Wegman's and buys every flavor of actual cotton candy they have available for us to "try."
5 months is how he always thinks of me when we're not together and brings home food or desserts (sometimes both) for me so I too, feel like I was there.
5 months if seeing how he takes me everywhere and shows me new things.
5 months is getting two dozen roses every 3rd of the month (each month a different color may I add) to celebrate another month spent together.
5 months is leaving a bag of stuff in his car with all my necessities so I don't have to constantly drag everything around with me.
5 months is "borrowing" his sweat jackets with no intent to give them back any time soon (lol sorry babe)
5 months is watching him come back to the car with five different flavors of Mentos because he overheard me tell my mom that "Mentos are my new go-to-food to stay awake in class."
5 months is having someone, no matter what time of the day, be there for you. Someone that is not your parents or your siblings...but someone that if you needed them, they're only a phone call away.
5 months is sharing a love for all the same food...except for that nasty moon cheese we bought that day, that's all you babe.
5 months is still waking up to a text that says "hello beautiful" and means it...regardless of what I look like when I wake up.
5 months is accepting that we have our differences and working with them.
5 months is sharing anything and everything without being grossed out.
5 months is knowing the other person snores sometimes and quietly waking them to roll over.
5 months is going to the gym at 1 a.m. or 5 a.m. and not making fun of me because I hate running and lifting weights.
5 months is taking lots of pictures that he doesn't love to take, but takes them anyway because he knows it makes me happy.
5 months is him never being afraid to ask for more bubbles for my bubble tea.
5 months is him always remembering to ask for a side of ranch just for me.
5 months is our 10 p.m. runs to Wegman's or Giant to find food or a snack to bake.
5 months is finding out I love Cheetos and buying me a box, and then finding a Groupon to buy me some more when I run out.
5 months is me always asking him if he's taking the first item off the shelf and him finally getting smart enough to say, "no, I was just looking at the first one," and reluctantly getting the second.
5 months is realizing how happy another person can make you, without you having to sacrifice any part of yourself.
5 months is seeing that love really can be unconditional and unexplainable.
5 months is always seeing his smile waiting for you when you open the door.
5 months is loving him... and hoping there are many more to come.
So, for those of you who would ask me what 5 months looked like next to you...there's my answer. Simple, easy, and sweet. just like loving you. Happy 5 months to my baby..I've never met someone like you-and I'm so grateful that I did.