On Friday, the 45th President of the United States was inaugurated. To make sure that everyone remembers exactly who is in office, acting as a voice for our nation, I've compiled a list of his worst, most inexcusable actions. Never forget that this man, our new President, has done these things. Don't let the media normalize him.
1. When he urged people to riot in the wake of President Obama's election.
And further, when he insinuated that President Obama was not born in the U.S. and demanded to see his birth certificate. That's pretty hypocritical coming from the man who refuses to release his tax information.
2. Every time he attacks the press and Freedom of Speech.
He really loves to dismiss legitimate news outlets like CNN as "fake news," or criticize "Saturday Night Live" skits. You would think he'd have better things to do. "Sad!"
3. When he expressed an interest in dating his own daughter.
Further, in 2004 he told Howard Stern it was okay to call her "a piece of ass."
4. When he said Hillary Clinton was "disgusting" for using the bathroom.
"I know where she went -- it's disgusting, I don't want to talk about it. No, it's too disgusting. Don't say it. It's disgusting." ...Did he mention it was disgusting?
5. "Grab 'em by the pussy."
Doesn't he know that's how disgusting Hillary uses the bathroom? There is no way to skew this (and, of course, his administration tried) in his favor. And it doesn't stop there. He's said so many more degrading, aggressive things about women. To list every disgusting word out of his mouth about a woman or her body would more than double this article in length, but Hillary Clinton's team has achieved that feat, and you can peruse them here.
6. When he normalized rape in the military.
Because all women are asking for it, right?
7. When he made fun of a disabled reporter.
8. When he implied that all Mexicans were rapists and drug dealers.
Or when he said, "laziness is a trait in blacks." And don't forget the Muslim ban and registry. President Trump has made it very clear that he thinks little of racial and religious minorities.
10. All the countless times he lied to the people who actually believed in him enough to vote for him.
Trump made a lot of campaign promises that got him elected. He promised Mexico would pay for a big, ridiculous wall that never seemed like a plausible idea. Now, he says that Congress will have to pay for it (and it still doesn't seem like a plausible idea). He filled his cabinet with the Wall Street magnates he criticized during his campaign. This is only the beginning. The lies and broken promises are bound to pile up and disappoint those who put so much stock in him as a candidate. Politifact.com is devoted to chronicling and rating political statements based on the basis of truth. Here is President Trump's profile:
When compared to his predecessor, the future looks awfully bleak. Look at the difference between his Politifact profile and Barack Obama's:All I can say is, "Good luck, America," and hope for the best.