We've been there. Your eyes are a little heavy, your body is a little sore. A nap wouldn't hurt, right? Just 20 minutes, it won't be too bad. Next thing you know it is 4 hours later and chaos has broken loose.
1. Actually getting up after the alarm goes off
I don't know about you, but I actually do set an alarm to go off after my nap. I just happen to turn it on for another 20 minutes, then another 20 minutes, then another.
2. Assignments
I know its due the next day, but there is no point in me trying to work on it when I can barely stay awake.
3. Cleaning my room
I swear I will do ANYTHING to keep from cleaning, and that includes taking a nap to get ready to clean...eventually.
4. Going for a walk/run
It would be such a good way to wake up the body naturally! But that means I have to put on pants again and go outside.
5. Literally any exercising
Even stretching would be enough to probably get my body back to my productive self. But the bed, it is so soft.
6. Drinking any type of caffeine
Okay, totally not the best way to wake yourself back up, but it is a better option then a four hour, "20 minute" nap. Who am I kidding though, I would still nap even after drinking coffee.
7. Grocery shopping
I cannot keep surviving on bread and applesauce, but again, like the going for a walk, this task requires pants.
8. Reading a book
I own so many books that I was planning on reading, but never have. The amount of naps I take per week may have something to do with my limited amount of free time I normally have.
10. Put on pants to actually do anything but nap
I don't know why it is so difficult. I know it would solve so many problems.
11. Writing my next Odyssey article
Procrastination feeds both the mind and the soul. So, take a nap and get new ideas.
I will see everyone after my four-hour nap!