To the voting citizens of America:
For almost as long as I can remember, the media has been flooded with facts, thoughts, and opinions about elections. Everyone was voicing their opinions, and worst of all, acting fiercely on those opinions. I don't mean proudly voting for their candidates of choice. I'm talking about the violence that has spurred. Riots have exploded within the streets. Those claiming their position against violence are the ones causing it, and I, a 17-year-old girl with no say, can't begin to fathom why our country has come to this. How can one person's views be so strong that they are willing to hurt, injure, and even maim others who see things differently?
As my generation watches the others fall to shambles, we tremble knowing it's our job to fix it. At the end of the next four years, if those who had the privilege to cast a ballot can't come together and stand strong as Americans should, it'll be our job to piece this nation back to the way it should be. Because of this election, we have lost the core values of being an American. We have lost our gratitude, our compassion, and our unified mindset. We have lost our love, and our integrated national pride; we have lost our hope. Instead, we're throwing temper tantrums in the streets because we either didn't get what we wanted or are upset that someone else did. If your children aren't allowed to throw them, then why is it okay for you to do it...and hurt other people?
Confused as to "where America has gone"? Look at the television. Look out the window at the streets. Look in the mirror. Think - "what am I doing to be the best American I can be"? and if the answer is "nothing", than you can't be upset about the results of the election. If you did not vote even though it is your constitutional right, you cannot be upset about the election. Because as my generation looks at the television and watches the rioting the streets, we grow fearful. As my generation looks in the mirror, we see a weight on our shoulders that no one should ever have to hold. Because of violence and hatred, we see ghosts of the puzzle pieces that America could become if "we the people" keep this up.
So love your neighbor. Love your friend, and love your country. Just because your political views differ from those of others does not mean that you can't see them as equal. Through the eyes of someone who had no say, America's new divide is fixable, but only with a change of heart. Take a step back, and ask yourself if you're helping fuel the fire. Because as quickly as you threw sticks into the flames of hatred, you can use the kindness and love in your heart to smother it.
Thank you.