Girls that describe themselves as "strong" girls obviously have never met my best friend. Because the Lord is good and provides in incredible ways, my best friend Bethany and I have been and always will be friends, confidants, and sisters, despite any distance or trials that come. I want to take a moment to describe the incredible blessings and struggles of having a long-distance best-friendship. Oh, did I mention she lives on the other side of the world?
A brief background: Unlike most girls (or guys even) my friendship with Bethany began with her moving into my house. Yep. Barely knew her at the time. We were working together as interns for the summer at our church in Cleveland, TN, and one day in the office, Bethany started sharing with me her dream to join the Navy. She felt like the Lord had been prompting her to do something about it, and she decided (through what felt like a one-sided conversation in which Bethany convinced herself of what needed to happen) that she wanted to take steps toward pursuing a career in the Navy.
About a week later in the office (only a couple weeks after meeting her, keep in mind) I heard her talking about the uncertainty of joining the Navy and not knowing where to live until she went off for boot camp. I clearly felt the Holy Spirit speak to me and the Lord was like "Offer for her to stay at your house, Anna." I was like, "well, she might be weirded out, but ok Lord." Long story short, Bethany thought I was kidding at first because apparently in Ohio people don't just ask you to live with them unless they're kidding, but she agreed. I came home and told my mom, "Hey mom, just wanted to let you know Bethany is going to live with us for like 6 months."
Bethany is now stationed in Guam (7,760 miles from me) as Petty Officer Metz in the U.S Navy. She is the strongest girl I know without a doubt for several reasons. 1. She follows after what the Lord is leading her to do no matter the cost to her own comfort, 2. She can run farther in a day than I could in a week, and 3. She cares about people and puts them before herself every single time. It takes a strong person to spend the holidays away from family and friends. But she and I both know, it is the Lord who gives her the incredible strength that she has.
Sometimes it seems as if there are no positives at all to Bethany being on the other side of the world. I miss seeing her, hearing her cheesy jokes, and talking about life and how good our Savior is. But through her absence, we have been forced to make time to communicate regularly about important things. We get to share what the Lord is doing in our lives with each other and tell each other stories that no one else will laugh at. This word is often overused, but we have become much more intentional in our friendship, which has allowed us to grow closer than we ever thought possible. It is also great to have someone who you know is always thinking about you and always praying for you even when it feels like no one else cares. Bethany is that person for me and will always be.
If your best friend lives nearby, be thankful. It is easy to take for granted the people we love most until they are taken away from us. I am definitely guilty of it. But I am grateful for the hope of reuniting. The Lord brought us together as adopted sisters two years ago, and He will continue what He started.