We all know that there are two sides to every coin. Now, I would like you to apply this fact to us as human beings. I believe that there is another side to each and everyone of us. Many of us just use one side of the coin in public while we are around other people. For example on one side of the coin we have things like lying, that kindness that you can tell is faked for the most part, the smiling, and just things like that. On the other side of the coin we may have things that are more genuine like saying how you really feel, the truth, your real emotion, and things like that. We constantly flip the coin numerous times during the day, but I believe many of us use the "fake" side of the coin more than the real one. Right now in our world using the "fake" side of the coin is the one that is more glorified nowadays. People talk about wanting others to be more authentic, which means they would have to "flip the coin", but most don't want that. The funny thing is most of them don't use the real side of themselves most of the time. People cling to this one side of the coin because they are scared to be judged or have their own reasons. Being on the "fake" side of the coin more often than the more original side isn't fulfilling. All you are doing is putting on a show to seem better than you really are. You are just living in a fantasy and projecting an illusion to please others, or to be liked, or to be loved, or to be put on a pedestal. Maybe it is for none of those reasons, but at some point you have to train yourself to consciously flip the coin more. Why be more genuine than spending time deceiving people? Because as we all know we live once and thats it. If we live once then why not be yourself? You are not here to make others praise you, or to be seen as great, or to put on a show for peoples enjoyment. You are here to live your life and be happy. Whatever you want to do that makes you happy (as long as it isn't something messed up) go ahead and do it.
Now If you continue to be on one side of the coin then it is only a matter of time before you become that side of the coin. The big problem with that is you will lose yourself and it will take time to find who you really are again. Losing yourself is one of the worst things you can do in this world because life is about growing spiritually, mentally, emotionally and intellectually. If you spent all your time growing a facade then you have lived a life for others and not for yourself. Doing that is one of the greatest injustices to yourself in this world.
Why don't you flip the coin?