To my ag teachers/FFA advisors,
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In honor of National Teach Ag Day, I thought it would only be fitting to thank you for all that you have taught to me (and all of your others students). Whether it's inside or outside the classroom, I will forever be grateful for the lessons that you have instilled in us. Here are just a few of my favorite examples:
Thank you for teaching me courage. In today's culture that is often so far removed from the agriculture industry, you have taught us to be proud of our unabashed love for agriculture. You have taught us to shed stereotypes and to see the potential in every single agricultural education student to do amazing things. No matter the student's background or personality quirks, you have shown us there is not one singular mold to be successful in ag ed or FFA. Even if it takes being "voluntold," you have always given us the encouragement needed to get out of our comfort zones and try new things that we never thought we would before.
Thank you for teaching me humility. You have taught us to work hard and to always strive for excellence, but never to let our pride get the best of us. When we lose our favorite competitions, you are there to remind us of the amazing feats we've already accomplished; when we win our favorite competitions, you are there to remind us of all the work that is yet to be done. You truly are our greatest accountability partner, our most helpful critic, and our biggest fan.
Thank you for teaching me selflessness. You didn't have to spend hours helping us practice before and after school for competitions. You didn't have to spend hours driving us to competitions, conferences, and conventions. You didn't have to spend your summers and your breaks doing these same things for us either -- but you still did. You have given us your focus, your time, and your heart and soul (sometimes for little in return). Sometimes this meant missing out on family time, and often this meant scheduling your whole life around FFA events. However, these sacrifices have never gone unnoticed. Your dedication to serving your students, and making the world around us a better place, will never cease to inspire me and every other person who has had the privilege of calling you their ag teacher.
So to the past, present, and future agricultural educators in my life: thank you for shaping me into the person I am today. Not only have you shared your knowledge of agriculture with all of your students; you have also inspired us with your incredible character.