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What Went Down This Year At The Academy Awards

A night of glitz, glamor, and golden trophies.

What Went Down This Year At The Academy Awards

This year's Academy Awards took place on Feb. 24th, 2019. A night designed to honor those who work in the movie industry turned out to be a win for more than just those who went home with a tiny golden statue.

The show proved to be a milestone for many reasons. It was the first time the award show didn't have a host, and the list of winners proved to be a step forward in diversity and inclusion. "Black Panther" became the first superhero film to receive as high of a recognition as the Oscars, winning multiple awards such as Best Production Design, Best Music (Original Score), and Best Costume Design.

Winners included Regina King for Actress in a Supporting Role for her performance in "If Beale Street Could Talk," Mahershala Ali for Best Actor in a Supporting role for "Green Book," Olivia Colman for Best Actress in a Leading Role in "The Favourite," and Rami Malek for Best Actor in a Leading Role for "Bohemian Rhapsody." Best Picture went to "Green Book," and Best Director went to Alfonso Cuaŕon, who also took home awards for Best Cinematography and Best Foreign Film for his work on "Roma."

The win that caught a lot of people's attention was Spike Lee's win for Best Adapted Screenplay for "BlacKkKlansman."

"Before the world tonight, I give praise to our ancestors who have built this country into what it is today along with the genocide of its native people. We all connect with our ancestors. We will have love and wisdom regained, we will regain our humanity. It will be a powerful moment. The 2020 presidential election is right around the corner. Let's all mobilize. Let's all be on the right side of history. Make the moral choice between love versus hate. Let's do the right thing!" Lee said.

Lee's speech evoked numerous responses across social media, causing people to rally behind him and others to stand against him. Even President Donald Trump participated in reacting on Twitter, calling Lee's speech a "racist hit on your president."

Aside from milestones and controversies, the show did have elements that were a part of the Oscars' usual routine. For performances, as always, the show didn't disappoint. A stunning performance of "Shallow" from "A Star Is Born" by Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga was the most anticipated and striking performance of the night, proving to audiences everywhere why it deserved it's win for Best Music (Original Song).

While the Oscars traditionally mark the end to award season, the show demonstrated to viewers that "show-business" is still alive and well. Through music, movies, costumes, directing, and much more, Hollywood continues to progress and prevail in society, making audiences everywhere continue to fall in love with lights, camera, and action.

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