On Sunday, June 12th Orlando was not the home of "Where dreams come true" but instead where nightmares become reality. Fifty lives were taken from this earth by someone who had no remorse for the living, no respect for his country, and over all was a coward. To prey on innocent lives isn't even a fair fight. In America, you earn no glory or recognition from Gods for the gruesome attacks you bestow upon innocent lives. There is no afterlife waiting on these individuals with open arms and sanction like they believe there to be. No good will come to those even in association with such cruel attacks. Criticizing and slamming the attacker, his beliefs, or his associations will do no good, though. So Orlando let me and so many others come forward and tell you and all of your residents we will stand behind you, we will fight for you, and we will bring justice.
Not only have you as a city received the support of cities in our country but also support from other countries who have united in remembrance of the people you all lost and pledge to stand behind you. Government buildings, businesses, and even churches have put flags at half mass to commemorate the fallen. Jetblue offered free flights for victims family members who are traveling to you all. Theme parks across the world are coming together making heart hand symbols to remember the fallen and one of Universal's very own employs who was killed in the attacks. Our President has even come to express his condolences and offer the support of the nation. World leaders are standing in support of your broken community in hopes of somehow aid in mending it back together.
All of these benevolences must be overwhelming. Orlando was already a well-known town to many, now it will be a town no one can forget. As all of these acts of kindness are generous and meaningful they can't change anything. A visit from the President doesn't bring someone's son/daughter, brother/sister, mom/dad, or friend back. A photograph of a heart hand can't heal a true broken heart, and a world leader showing patronage to you all will not erase the tragedy from your lives.
The cloud of hysteria and grief has not cleared up yet but please, believe me, it will. In the midst of tragedy know that love and justice will prevail. You all will overcome this, we as America will over come this.
It may seem we have lost and the enemy has won again but that will never be the case. We live in a free country that stands behind its cities, communities, states, and all of its people when we face the enemy. We will overcome, vengeance is not something we should seek, though. We should seek God he says in His word, "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."