It's been a while since the actual event. I wanted to give myself time to think rationally about this subject, and not just respond out of pure emotion. My only issue is having to think back to what I remember, and how I felt when I heard the news.
Forty-nine people are dead and much more are injured after a shooting took place at a club in Orlando. Before I get into my topic, I would like to first extend my deepest condolences to all those affected by this. Family, friends, coworkers, colleagues, etc. My heart breaks with them. I am so sorry about this. I know there are no words to say that will make any of this better, and there are no words to say that will bring anyone back. May my brothers and sisters rest in peace.
It's times like these when people argue and bicker over what caused such a tragedy. Some blame the guns, some blame the people. I'm not here to give my opinion on that. I'm here to just say; love people. Those two words used together are overused, I know. But I mean it, and I hope and pray that someday people will act on those words instead of just saying them. I am a hypocrite in that I am guilty of not acting upon those words as much as I should. I am also aware that telling someone to love people, is a lot easier than actually going out and doing it.
After the shooting, I saw many things: People bickering over Facebook by commenting on an anti-gun picture that looked like it was created in the 90's. I saw people bashing the Islamic faith, and what shocked me the most, people (even some fellow "Christians") saying it was good that our homosexual brothers and sisters were killed. I came to the realization that we divide ourselves too much. Unlike those that attend candlelight vigils for the victims, there are those who spit death and violence into the comment boards on social media. Why? What does any of this solve? Why not speak life towards each other? Why not try to comfort one another rather than bicker over each other's opinions? I don't understand the hatred and ignorance in people, and I am certain my misunderstandings and frustrations are what prompted me to write this. I don't understand why a person would go to a club to shoot people they don't like. I am frustrated that this happened, and I am extremely saddened by it.
If we are to move forward, we have to educate rather than criticize. Our constant bickering and fights will lead us all nowhere. You've probably heard it a lot over the past few weeks that love is stronger than hate. That's good, I hope you keep hearing that. I hope you believe that and keep believing in that. I hope to keep seeing people empathize and try to lift each other up. I hope to keep seeing more compassion and mercy. I hope to keep seeing more laughter instead of tears.
Lastly, I would like to point out that I am not perfect by any means. This is a message of love in the best way I know how to convey any sort love into words. I fall short sometimes as well, I am human just like you. We share the same dignity and worth and carry the same weight of our mistakes. This message was to me as much as it was to the world. May we keep learning, loving, and forgiving.
Rest in peace, all victims of the Orlando shooting.