My entire life I've always been super organized and kept everything clean. I'm a bit over the top with it but that's probably because I've gotten into the habit of keeping up with everything, every day. So naturally when Netflix, released "Tidying Up With Marie Kondo," I had to watch it. Yes, I've taken a few of her tips, but a lot of them I already did. But as I've gotten older, I've been getting asked more and more frequently on how I keep everything organized, clean, and how I know where everything is. So I'm spilling my tips, on how to keep your home organized, clean and not cluttered.
1. Before buying something, ask yourself if this is a need or a want.
A lot of the time we buy something because we want it, not because we need it. Then what happens? We waste a bunch of money, and then we have to find a place for it in our home and the more random stuff we buy the more cluttered our home becomes.
2. Just because it's on sale doesn't mean you need it.
If you wouldn't buy it full-price you don't need it. Once again it's a waste of money, and then just another item in your home that is taking up space and that you now have to find a place for.
3. If you haven't used it in 6 months, get rid of it.
Clothes, shoes, kitchen supplies, etc. If you haven't used it, then donate it or throw it away. Aside from holiday decorations.
4. You don't need to overdecorate.
Whether it's for the holidays or just everyday decorations, overdecorating makes your home look like a hot mess, and super cluttered.
5. If you have more clothes than your closet and dressers allow, get rid of some of them.
All of your clothes should fit in your closet and dresser. There's no need to have storage bins of clothes and shoes packed away somewhere, if you do this, you have too many clothes. Here's a tip, hang up all your clothes with the hanger backward and as you wear things, hang them up the right way, and whatever is left over in 6 months, you can get rid of.
6. Fold your clothes standing up, so you can see everything.
This way you don't have to take a bunch of stuff out of your draws to get to the one thing on the bottom. This came from Marie Kondo.
7. Don't pile things.
Your mail, your books, your clothes lol. Thank Marie Kondo for this one.
8. Get a filing cabinet to keep important documents.
And no I don't mean every single piece of mail your get or every single receipt that you get.
9. Before holidays, birthdays, school starts, etc go through and use what you already have.
Use what you have before you buy more.
10. Before or after the holidays and your birthday, get rid of stuff.
You know you're getting gifts so clean out your things before to make room for the new stuff or do it after, but if you're getting somethings than you can get rid of stuff.
11. Don't feel obligated to keep something because somebody else bought it for you.
I get rid of things people give me all the time. Honestly, half of the things I got for Christmas this year I didn't keep, and I'm not sorry about it.
12. Storage things in clear plastic bins.
Whether it's holiday decorations or extra cleaning supplies, store it in clear bins so you can easily see what's in them and you don't have to open a bunch of bins and dig through them. This came from Marie Kondo but I already did it.
13. If you have similar pictures, keep the one that sparks the most joy.
Marie Kondo tip. But do you really need two or more almost identical photos? No.
14. Do not have too many backups for things.
While yes it's nice to buy cleaning supplies and things we use every day in bulk, it saves money and you'll always have more if you run out. It's not nice to have too many backups of silly things, like big serving spoons, coasters, rakes/shovels, etc. keep like an extra one, maybe two, not 10.
15. Keep important spaces clear.
Your kitchen especially, because if there's ever a fir from cooking and your kitchen is cluttered boom there goes your entire home.
16. Give everything a home, and whenever you use it, put it back where it came from.
It's how you keep everything clean and looking clean.