Organization is one of the many habits that keeps me sane. It helps me feel as though my mind is clear and my life is put together. I have learned many tips through books, Pinterest, and of course the lessons my parents taught me while I grew up. The tips I have picked up over time have helped me fulfill my needs to have a clear mind and put together life, and they have also helped me to stay at peace. A few organization tips that have been the most helpful to me follow.
Physical organization is easiest when you keep objects that you love. In the material world that many people live in today, random items and gadgets are prominent. Unfortunately, because society has become so materialistic, people have so many objects that are pointless and easily forgotten. This junk eventually builds up. In order to find true organization in a household or personal space, a person can look at the objects they have and ask if it is something that sparks joy. Is the object something that still makes you happy? Is it an object that you use frequently and one that functions the same as the date of purchase? If you answer no to these two questions, then you probably do not need the junk. It is easy to donate random gadgets to a local goodwill or thrift store, and the more junk you can get rid of, the better. If you keep objects in your house that only spark joy and happiness, then those objects will find a place in your household or personal space.
A second tip to follow is more of a life organization tip. I have recently taken up journaling, planning, and making lists. By making lists, I am able to prioritize tasks and cross them off easily once completed. The lists provide a visual of what is to be done and what has been done already. These lists can then be incorporated into a planner. Planners are really useful tools and are great ways to keep track of all that happens in life. I enjoy starting my planners with birthdays, then major appointments, and finally smaller obligations and chores. This helps keep me on track with daily, weekly and yearly tasks. Planners are easy to follow and can really make a difference in time management. After this, I also like to track my habits in a bullet journal. Bullet journals are personalized journals that you can draw out with colorful pens and markers. It is a fun way to track personal habits and goals such as water intake, eating, exercise or even mood. It is your own way of making personal progress, organized in any style you like.
Last, to stay organized and on task, I set daily goals. I like to set goals because they help me stay motivated throughout the day. I like to complete these goals by certain times and I will generally follow a strict schedule to get tasks done. This is a form of mental organization for me because by setting goals and following an organizational schedule, I can get a lot done and this will help me feel like my day is complete. Organization does not have to be hard in this aspect. Setting a simple timer and finishing a task is enough sometimes to push through the day and stay organized.
By completing these simple organization tips, I stay on top of my game and have a better day. If my life feels neat, I feel good. By cleaning, planning, journaling, making lists and following a goal oriented plan, I can easily have a successful day that is full of productivity. For those who have trouble staying organized and being productive, by following these simple tips, organization can be fun and easy.