You are the man with the plan. Before a big event happens, you are not satisfied until a list is made and the time has been marked in your day planner.
But you and I both know being a lean, mean, organizing queen goes way deeper than that.
1. Color coding and alphabetizing just feels... right.
There's nothing like looking at a bookshelf or your closet and seeing every single item in order. Exactly in the right spot.
2. You can't live without your planner.
How does one simply organize their daily life? With a day planner, of course! You couldn't keep it all straight without writing it down with dates and times.
I honestly would like to thank my planner for helping me keep my sh*t together. Without you, I would have forgotten all of those appointments, birthdays, and exams.
3. Pinterest is your best friend.
Christmas party planning? Pinterest. Christmas gifts for your nephews? Pinterest. Boyfriend's birthday coming up? Pinterest. It's your go-to for inspiration, organization hacks, and peace of mind.
4. Making lists calms you down.
I'm not kidding. Whenever I get stressed out about something, I make/revise/look at a list. I literally will cross things off and check it twice. It's calming to know that something that seems crazy or out of control can be organized.
5. Your life would not be the same without spreadsheets.
Spreadsheets: what are they good for?
Making lists.
Organizing finances.
Doing math.
Organizing people.
Color coding.
Putting your life together.
I have no idea how people don't use spreadsheets on a regular basis.
6. People depend on you.
You have, and always been, the "man with a plan". By the time the next vacation out of state rolls around, you have mapped out two routes, made packing lists, and executed all of the "traveling hacks." My family doesn't call me the "cruise director" for nothing.
7. You always appear to have it all together.
You have your entire life organized, right?
You don't always have it all together. You, like any other human, get the impossible things thrown at you from all angles. However, you know that you eventually will come up with a plan, make a spreadsheet, and find a way. After all, you are an organizing queen.
There is no event too tough to organize for you. It's your superpower; your sidekicks just happen to be spreadsheets and day planners.
- 7 Tips To Keep An Organized Planner ›
- 7 Tips For Staying Organized In College ›
- 8 Reasons Why I Love Being Organized ›