When I was in high school, my cross country team was unfortunately not very large. We would usually have just enough girls to field a 7 person varsity team, but on many occasions we only had 5 or 6 runners toeing the start line. This was great in some respects, because we were a very close team and had a lot of fun together, but it also meant that I would do a lot of my runs alone.
During my senior year at the all-state track banquet, Coach Hayes from Immaculate High School in Danbury approached me and asked if I would like to be a counselor at his running camp, Oregon Style Running Camp in New Milford. I said yes, and had a fantastic week running with other like-minded people. This year will be my second year at camp, and here are a few of the things that you will inevitably experience if you choose to prepare for the upcoming cross country season at this amazing camp.
1. You will figure out who can and cannot be trusted during games of Mafia
This card game is an Oregon Style staple.
2. You will learn how many calories you would burn if you banged your head against a wall for an hour
All the campers were broken into teams to play a fun game of trivia one night. Most of the questions were running or camp related, but we threw in a few bizarre facts (you would burn 150 calories, in case you were wondering).
3. Coach Butt and Coach Hayes will fight like an old married couple
Coach Butt from Brookfield High School and Coach Hayes never fail to entertain us.
4. Your counselors may or may not wake you up by playing Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire"
You're welcome, girls.
5. You will engage in an epic scavenger hunt
Some tasks include taking a picture with Coach Hayes and his Diet Coke, recording a team member running a lap around the cinder track, and taking a video of Coach Butt singing.
6. You will consume lots of Twizzlers (they're vegan!) and popcorn
7. No matter yow much you've run, you will always have enough energy for pool time or playing Frisbee
As a counselor, I sometimes feel like a 90 year old woman, but the campers' energy is boundless.
8. You might stand on your head or form a human pyramid
All for the sake of getting featured on Runnerspace.
9. You will sweat more during ping pong games than during your runs
They can get pretty intense.
10. You will get to see jazz campers in action
Jazz camp and cross country camp have been hosted concurrently at The Canterbury School for the two years that I've been a counselor, and they are a pretty interesting group. One of my favorite jazz campers is this little guy who is always dressed up, sometimes wearing a tie and everything.
11. You will learn why Coach Hayes runs
It's so he can eat.
12. You will hear Coach Butt's voice, likely singing a tune with your name in it
13. If Coach Butt has the Brookfield guys run 2 extra miles, Coach Hayes will have Immaculate run 3
14. You will get more stressed out playing Jenga than you do before a big race
15. You will become addicted to the strawberry yogurt
See counselor Cory for more details.
16. You will run in cool places
The climb up to Steep Rock in Washington is challenging, but the view is worth it. This year we bused campers there and also to White Memorial Conservation Center in Litchfield, so that they could experience some variety and run on trails off campus.
17. You will hear accomplished guest speakers
This year, we heard from Bucknell pole vaulter Jenna Calandro, Stephanie Reilly of Providence College, Laddie Lawrence of Connecticut powerhouse Staples, Kelly Martin of LaSalle Academy in Rhode Island, and Nick Fraticelli of Danbury High School. Some key topics were body image and building strong traditions through passing down stories.
18. You will be able to run with people who have similar ability and goals to your own
This year we had six groups that were determined by ability, so that everyone could feel comfortably challenged during runs and workouts. Campers are able to form bonds with runners from schools other than their own.
19. You can learn from people who were once in your shoes
The counselors can be used as a great resource, because all of us are runners, whether we compete at the collegiate level or not. You can pick our brains about running in college, the recruiting process, our experiences running in high school, or just about college life in general.
20. You will discover that Coach Butt and Coach Hayes are great coaches and people
I live very far away from where camp is held, so I wasn't sure what my experience would be like the first year I decided to take Coach Hayes' offer to become a counselor, but Coach Hayes and Coach Butt are amazing people to be around and they really put on a great camp.
Oregon Style Running Camp is held for one week during the summer. Campers can stay the week in the facilities at The Canterbury School in New Milford, or they can choose to be day campers and leave each day when nightly activities are over. If in the future you're looking for a fun environment to continue building a base for the upcoming cross country, click here.