Last weekend I went to Ashland, Oregon's Shakespeare Festival with the William Penn Honors Program. We bussed down and back—a quick overnight trip. On Saturday we explored Ashland for about an hour before watching Henry V.
We found a labyrinth in the center of town. I decided to walk it. It's amazing how noisy the city can be.
Henry V was amazing. I had no idea what to expect, nor any previous knowledge about the play beforehand. The actors were incredible. It was delightful. I laughed and cried during the performance.
After Henry V, we set off to acquire dinner and explore Ashland even more. Ashland is a beautiful city surrounded by large hills. Gorgeous scenery. The town is alive with old architecture, such as a the historic Ashland Springs Hotel. The other buildings are generally small and really cute. Even the police station is tiny and cute.
After dinner, we set off to watch Othello. This play was also extremely well done. After the play, I fell asleep, exhausted.
It was a really good, fun weekend. I highly recommend attending the Shakespeare Festival if you ever get a chance. It's not necessarily kid friendly, but that's only because Shakespeare's writings weren't exactly kid friendly. I walked away with a greater appreciation for the genius of Shakespeare and a greater appreciation for the performing arts.