As the old saying goes: "Eyes are the windows to the soul." However, I could not disagree more. To me, music is the window to the soul. What song you prefer at the moment can show much more about you than your eyes ever could. That being said, musicians have the easiest time expressing themselves through their instrument. What can't be said in words is transferred into beautiful melodies and songs.
When I first picked up my cello, I thought: "Wow, this is pretty lame." I didn't love it. I had wanted to play violin instead but my mother, worried for her sanity if she had to endure the screech of a violin, convinced me to play the cello. How? She told me I would always have to sit to play it. My laziness won over me and at the young age of 9, I played in my first orchestra. Of course, I got better with age and my cello is now my most favorite thing on this planet, but eight years of youth symphonies, orchestras, full symphonies, and playing pit for musicals will do that to a person.
For me, being a part of an orchestra is a lifestyle. The adrenaline from concerts, the hours spent in rehearsal and out on pieces, bonding with my section, not even blinking at having to miss an entire day of school for a competition; these all come with the life of a musician. Of course, when speaking to other musicians, it's nice to actually not have to water down the music speak because they understand what I mean when talking about that G major first inversion chord on the downbeat of measure 63.
Being a musician, it's very easy to become inclusive only to those who are deemed "good enough". I can't even begin to count how many jokes I've made about choir kids and I still don't feel bad about it. Those who are in art, or theater, or even volleyball, seem to be harder to befriend because of the difference in classification. It's almost the whole "Me band nerd, you track kid", except on a much higher cognitive level. The exclusivity of being a musician is pretty much how I've still managed to have friends throughout high school. Because even if we're going to be pretentious sometimes, at least we can do it together.
Orchestra is really what my entire life has been focused around and I wouldn't have it any other way. I've met lots of wonderful people due to it and have had many opportunities come my way. Sure, I can be snooty and stick my nose high in the air, giving off that stereotypical pretentious-orchestra-kid aura. But really, orchestra is my passion and if someone told me I'd have to quit it, I would tell them to stick it where the sun doesn't shine.