Big brothers are a role in your life that's much different than anyone else. They are annoying and they pick on you but theyre also one of your best friends and greatest protectors. They truly grew up with you and know you like no one else and I am so thankful to have a big brother.
Thank you for always being blatantly honest when I needed it. I may have hated it at the time but its something no one else can do for me. Sometimes its mean and I hate you for it but at least I know when my hair looks like crap or a boy is not worth my time.
Thank you for being strong when I couldn't. Sometimes there are situations when we need to be strong for our parents. Thank you for being the shoulder to cry on in private when I cant be strong anymore.
Thank you for always having my back. Whether its a dumb fight between me and my friends, an argument with another family member, or another boy problem, you are always there. Thanks for being there when it isn't just a small boy problem. Thanks for being my shoulder to cry on again when my heart was broken and for always offering to fight the boy responsible.
Lastly, thanks for being one of my best friends. Growing up together the amount of inside jokes and laughs start to add up. You are one of the funniest people I know and a master at making me laugh. Thanks for keeping my secrets and being the only one who has known me and loved me through all of my stages (even though you kind of have to).
Thank you for everything, love, your baby sister